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AOL Mail Noble

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Tell us how we can improve your AOL Mail experience. The more specific your feedback, the more useful for us. While we can’t respond to every suggestion, we review them regularly and take them very seriously.

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221 results found

  1. Sort by sender please

    Please bring back sort by sender!

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  2. Thank you to AOL

    A big thank you to AOL (America Online) for being around for so many years now, and it has been a true honor to be a part of AOL's success story since the late 1990's, truly amazing in an awesome way, thanks so much!!

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  3. I want to be able to delete old emails in bulk. Please advise how to do this

    I want to be able to delete old emails in bulk. Please advise best way to do this

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  4. Stop deleting my ******** mail

    Maybe if u guys left someone's inbox alone threw would be problems I've had AOL since I was 11 I'm 29 now and I come back to mail not sending and things being deleted by the app I can't stand that ****

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  5. Hire Actual Human Beings

    Hire actual people to assist customers. Many issues do not fall into your "pretty box of topics."
    I just spent 15 minutes with the response, "Sorry, I didn't quite get that." I know that- you responded the same way eight times. How many tries does it take to grab a human (contract or otherwise) to take a GD call?

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  6. Spam

    The spam folder isn't working properly. So mail which has made using device is disturbing me.

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  7. 140th ranked

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  8. Folder


    STILL CAN'T create more folders using the bowser version thru CHROME & Android 13 & UI 5.1.

    I TAP the + add folder
    Opens dialog box for folder name
    Begin typing name, dialog box closes.

    No message, no error code.

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  9. Hello, we used to be permitted 5 others with other emails on group under main account there is 1 option to sign them in. It will

    Bring back other emails under main account holder.
    Way back before 9/11 I had 4 different emails and people in main account.ive lost them and contacts we shared.

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  10. 117th ranked

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  11. Save contacts

    For some reason I add a contact and they are not being saved on my contact list

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  12. Feedback

    Feedback option is a joke, not taken seriously by AOL. The mail is tedious to use , the filters are useless. Please fix spam issues, listen to the users. I am gradually migrating from AOL because of this annoyance.

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  13. 65th ranked

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  14. 117th ranked

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  15. I'm not receiving emails anymore

    Explain why I'm not getting emails.

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  16. Biometric log in

    What's happened to biometric log in?
    Why is this not working?

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  17. Stop deleting my inbox!

    Why is my inbox empty??!!!!! Can it be restored?

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  18. Geolocation

    My phone number was changed to armed forces America and there are no survivors.

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  19. Block ads from Homedepot

    Flooded with useless ads from Homedepot

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  20. Geolocation

    Church bell hearing. I saw you drive a car sciatica and your a pain in my ***...You caused me to drown cough even though you have no kids.

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